Monday, December 30, 2013

Ski Camp Leftovers

Thanks to all for a great ski camp ...

To the Pierces for hosting,
To John Tarling for coaching,
To Jason for assisting,
and to all the kids for being such great sports!

Two items were left in the van:
A pair of black Swany gloves
A pair of Salomon combi boots (size 10 or 10.5?)

Let Susan know if these belong to you.

Coming home ...

We are still on track to leave Rangeley around 3:00 this afternoon.  This should put us at Desert Rd between 5:30 and 6:00, however if road conditions are poor we will drive more slowly and will arrive somewhat later.

Looking forward to seeing everyone late this afternoon!

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Check-in from Christmas Camp

Greetings from up north!

Everyone is alive and well with all limbs intact!  We are expecting some snow tonight and plan to ski twice tomorrow.  Our intention is to be home in time for dinner, so as of now we are planning to leave around 3:00 on Monday.  Hopefully this will put us back at Desert Rd around 5:30ish.

I will update the blog on Monday morning, as well as send along an email to parents, letting everyone know our plans for the day.

Happy snow!

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas Camp - TOMORROW!

Last minute info for Christmas Camp ...

Please be at Desert Rd at 7:45 Friday morning.  We would like to pull away by 8:00.

We will ski upon arrival, before heading to the condo, so everyone should:
  • Come dressed in your ski gear
  • Bring a snack to eat in the van
  • Keep your SKATE boots/skis/poles handy
  • Have your water bottle-belt handy
Other things to remember:
  • Wax skis
  • Bring lunch
  • Check the packing list
See everyone tomorrow morning!

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Christmas Camp Info

Hello Nordic Ski Families,

As you know, very shortly after Christmas, the MWS Nordic team will have the opportunity to attend a 3 night/4 day ski training camp in Rangeley.   Some important information about camp is outlined below—please read carefully and if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact Susan or Sarah.  There will be other information posted on the blog closer to the departure time, so please continue to check that!

1.     Camp location:  Saddleback Mtn Ski Area, Pierce Family lodging at Rock Pond Condo unit#34. 

2.     Travel logistics/chaperones:  A Merriconeag van (maybe 2) and several cars will be leaving Desert Rd in the morning (exact time TBD) on Friday, December 27th and returning the afternoon of December 30th.  We will send an email on the morning of December 30th, letting parents know our approximately return time home.  Chaperones for the trip are Dan and Sarah Pierce, Jason Donahue, Susan Sonntag and John Tarling.

3.     Food:  Skiers should pack a lunch for the first day and should bring bars or other handy snacks to carry while on the trails.  Healthy meals will be provided for the remainder of the trip.  If you have any food allergies or special dietary needs, please let Susan know ASAP.  (If any family would like to send along cookies, brownies or bars, it would be greatly appreciated)!

4.     Packing List:  A full packing list is posted on the blog in a separate post.

5.     Contact information:  There is no landline at the condo and cell phone reception is not very reliable.  We can, however, receive emails/texts so this is the best way to communicate with us during the weekend.  (Dan 776-0503, Sarah 776-4959, John T. 807-1919)

6.     We will assess the cost per family upon our return and families will be billed.  Costs will include food, trail passes and gas, and are estimated to be not more than $125.

7.     Questions?  Ask Sarah or Susan.

8.     We are really looking forward to a fun, healthy and safe trip for everyone!

Christmas Camp Note from John

Looking forward to the camp, thanks to the Pierce family for hosting.  I expect the skiing to be good as it is going to turn cold after this weekend.  I would like all the skiers to prepare their skis before arrival.
Classic skis:
  • Clean kick zone
  • Sand kick zone lightly with a 100g sand paper or scotchbrite
  • Wax tips and tails with a cold glide wax (ex. swix blue CH6 or equivalent)
  • Brush
Skate skis
  • Clean and wax with same CH6 or equal
  • Brush 
Having skis ready will save time.  We will add kick wax in Rangeley before skiing.  I always encourage skiers to take responsibility for their skis, so everyone should bring a cold hard kick wax and glide wax along with scraper and cork.

Make sure to have cold weather ski clothing, as we will see very low temps at least some of the days.  This includes warm gloves or mitts, neck warmer, extra hat and warm ups are essential.  Also a water bottle and HOLDER are important along with an energy bar/snack to bring during the ski.  We should plan on two skis per day along with a short morning run. The run is to be easy and intended to get us going before breakfast.  I am thinking a morning AM ski to be 10-12 or so and afternoon PM  2-3:30.


Christmas Camp Packing List


Plan to bring classic and skate skiing, hiking, and running gear.


Must have:
• Lunch for the first day
• Snacks for the 4 days (to be stashed in your water bottle belt). Bars are ideal.
 Sleeping bag + pillow (not everyone will need a pillow, but we'll need some).
• Workout clothes for 4 days for the activities listed above.
• Multiple pairs of socks
• Hats, gloves, etc. - you will need WARM gloves
• Neck warmer
• Plan on layers!
• Warm snow boots
• Apres-ski clothes for evenings + indoor shoes or slippers if you want something on your feet inside
• Pajamas
• Toiletries
• Headlamp
• Classic AND skate skis, poles, boots - packed as compactly as possible.
• Water-bottle holder with a water bottle - ideally the kind that you can wear around your waist that also has a pocket for a snack
• Basic wax equip
o   Scraper
o   Cork
o   Small amounts of cold, hard kick wax and glide wax

• Books, games, etc. - If you have a good group game, please bring it!
• A movie for the group - G, PG or PG-13 (no R movies)
• Cookies, brownies, etc.

A note about electronics ... 
-       Cell phones/ipods may come on this trip
-       Laptops should remain at home

-       Chaperones will be mindful of any cell phones or ipods getting too tired on this trip - after all, it's their vacation too - and so will carefully wrap any over-used cell phones/ipods in a beautiful pink silk and lovingly set them aside for a rest period as necessary.

Thursday, December 19, 2013


Uniforms were handed out at practice today.  To ensure your uniform's long and healthy life, please ...
  • Wear your uniform only for races (not practice, not as an underlayer, not as pajamas)
  • Wash your uniform inside out, and wash without anything velcro in the same load
  • Keep your uniform away from contact with all velcro (jackets, gloves, etc.)
  • Return clean uniforms at the end of the season

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Telstar Race

On Saturday, January 4, there is a freestyle (skate) relay race at Telstar in Bethel.  Teams are made up of 2 girls and 2 boys.  Entries for this race are due this weekend, so we need to know who wants to go.

Please tell either John Tarling or Susan BY THIS FRIDAY if you are interested and able to be in this race.  In order to get our entries in and figure out our teams of 4, we need to hear from each skier asap.

Because of the relay format, this is a fun race to take part in.  Since this is the weekend right at the end of vacation, we also know everyone may not be able to attend.  Everybody should consider themselves encouraged but not pressured to join in.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013


A ski pass to Pineland is included as part of the team fee.  Be sure to tell Susan if you are getting a family pass instead and won't be part of the team pass.  If you are getting a family pass, your team fee will be reduced by $45.  Pass application forms were given to the students today and need to be completed, signed by a parent, and returned to Susan by THIS Friday, December 13.

 BRING ROCK SKATE SKIS tomorrow (Wednesday)John thinks we may be able to ski!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

2013-2014 Nordic Season Kick-Off

Welcome to the start of the 2013-2014 Nordic Season!

Practice starts Monday, December 2.  Practices will be Monday - Thursday at Pineland, approximately 3:00 - 4:30.  There will be a late van for regular van riders.  Friday practices will be "captains' practices", meaning that the coach will not be there, but kids are encouraged to practice either on their own or with other team members.  We expect enough kids will stay to practice on Fridays that we will still have a late van.  If that changes, we will let all families know.

This week, because the high school will be at Desert Rd on Thursday afternoon, ski practice may be at Desert Rd instead of Pineland.  Stay tuned for a final decision.

Poles (for hill bounding these can - and ideally should - be shorter than those used for skiing)
Roller skis (only if you have them - don't go out and purchase if you don't have them)
Ski boots
Running shoes
Water bottle
Note: poles, roller skis and boots can be brought to school and stored in the corner of the Sage Room.

Athletic apparel appropriate for the weather ...
Running tights or shorts
Non-cotton shirt
Windbreaker jacket
Dry/warm clothes (long pants, warm jacket) for late afternoon - it gets COLD
Dress in layers, even for practice