Thursday, December 28, 2017

Next week

On the eve of ski camp, we also need everyone on the team to be looking ahead to next week and the following week, which both promise to be action packed.
  1. We have the first race of the season on Wednesday afternoon, January 3, the day we return to school.  This is a WMC (Western Maine Conference) skate race and we expect it will most likely take place at the Oak Hill area of Pineland.  We will transport skiers to Pineland, probably leaving around 2:15.  Since this race is nearby and many/most parents come to the races, we don't plan on providing transportation back to Desert Rd, but if there are skiers that need a ride back after the race, either the skier or a parent must let Susan know by Wednesday at noon that a ride is needed.
  2. Next Saturday (January 6), the team will be heading to Bethel for the Telstar relays.  In this race, everyone is divided up into teams of four with two boys and two girls on each team.  This is a fun race, followed afterward by the legendary crazy tights giveaway.  Going to Telstar is a full day affair, with the vans leaving in the morning (probably 8:00ish) and returning late in the afternoon (5:00ish?).  We need to ID the relay teams a few days prior to the race, so if you are unable to attend, you must let both Susan and John know by Wednesday.  Feel free to talk with John about this race over the next couple days at ski camp.
  3. Wednesday, January 10 is our next WMC race, this time hosted by us, along with Falmouth.  As this date gets closer, we will be asking for parent volunteers to help out at the race, collecting bibs, helping the timer, etc.  Consider this a heads up to parents that we will need many of you on this afternoon.

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Ski Camp 2017-2018


We'll start with the most important piece about ski camp this week - it's going to be COLD, VERY COLD.  With that in mind, all skiers should be sure to pack sufficient gear to stay warm.  That means layers, warm gloves, some kind of buff/scarf to keep your neck warm and an actual warm hat (not just a headband).  If anyone thinks they don't have enough clothes or is missing some critical piece of gear, definitely reach out to John ahead of time and he will help in getting/loaning you what you need.

Also, there are still a couple more things needed re: food.  Can you make a main course dinner, main course breakfast or batch of cookies?  Please see the "Feeding the Team" section below and sign-up on the online spreadsheet.

On to the regular details ...

Camp will take place at the Sugarloaf Touring Center in Carrabassett Valley

• Friday, December 29 - Monday, January 1.
 Lodging is at the Adaptive Outdoor Education Center (AOEC), which is located on the access road to the touring center -
The adults on this trip will be John Tarling, Sam Kapala, Gina Quinn-Skillings, Lucy Birkett and Jim Ahearne.
Contact information:  If communication is necessary during camp: Lucy 607-9630, Gina 210-0864, John 807-1919, Jim 671-2046.  You may also connect with Susan at 353-8800.
We will assess the cost per family after camp once all expenses are known.  Families will be billed at that time. Costs will include food, lodging, trail passes and gas.

All skiers should prepare their skis prior to camp.

Classic skis:
Clean kick zone
Sand kick zone lightly with a 100g sand paper or scotchbrite
Wax tips and tails with green or green&blue glide wax
Skate skis
Clean and wax with same green or green&blue glide wax

Having skis ready will save time. We will add kick wax at Sugarloaf before skiing.  Skiers should take responsibility for their skis, so everyone should bring a cold hard kick wax and glide wax along with scraper and cork.

Please bring only two pairs of skis.  There shouldn't be a need (and we won't have room) for more.

Trail Passes:
We will be purchasing trail passes for all skiers each day.  If you have a season pass to the Sugarloaf Outdoor Center, please let Susan know via email ( this week.

Feeding the Team:
Chaperones will be preparing meals and feeding the team at our lodging, with pre-trip help from the families. THANK YOU to all who are contributing with this rather large task.  A few meals/items are still needed. Here is the link to the spreadsheet with food info and shopping/cooking help - ***Link to Food Sign-Up***

Since everyone has their own preference for bars/snacks, all skiers should bring their own.  These should be small enough to be stashed in pockets/waistbelts.

Travel details:
The group will be taking two school vans up to Sugarloaf. Departure time is 10:00 am on Friday, December 29, from the high school parking lot at Desert Rd.  Do check the blog Thursday evening, in case for any reason the departure time is adjusted.

We will have lunch upon arrival and prior to heading out to ski, so everyone should wear their ski gear so they will be ready when it's time to ski.

***If you are already at Sugarloaf and will be meeting the team there instead, let Susan know asap.  Even if you think you already told her, please remind her again.
***If you will be staying at Sugarloaf with your family and not riding the van back to Freeport on Monday, let Susan know asap.

Return travel info:
We plan to ski on Monday morning and head home after lunch, unless weather and conditions dictate otherwise. We should know by Sunday evening what the plans are for the return on Monday.  Either way, the kids will be home by dinnertime on Monday and could be home as early as 3:00. Please check the blog on Sunday evening.

Packing List:


Must have:
• Your own SNACK for the van ride
• Your own LUNCH (or $ to purchase) for the first day
• Sleeping bag + pillow
• Towel
• Snacks for the 4 days (to be stashed in your water bottle belt). Bars are ideal.
• Workout clothes for 4 days for skiing AND running, including multiple sets of base layers (wool or synthetic long underwear)
• Outer layers: warm jacket parka, wind layer jacket, xc ski pants, etc.
• Warm mid-layers:  vest, sweater or fleece
• Multiple pairs of socks
• Hats, gloves, mittens, etc. - you will need WARM gloves
• Neck warmer / buff
• Plan on layers!
• Warm snow boots
• Apres-ski clothes for evenings + indoor shoes or slippers if you want something on your feet inside
• Pajamas
• Toiletries (including sunscreen)
• Headlamp
• Sunglasses
• Classic AND skate skis, poles, boots - packed as compactly as possible.
• Water-bottle holder with a water bottle - ideally the kind that you can wear around your waist that also has a pocket for a snack
• Basic wax equip
     o   Scraper
     o   Cork
     o   Small amounts of cold, hard kick wax and glide wax

• Cash for snacks/hot chocolate at the Outdoor Center
• Books, games, etc. - If you have a good group game, please bring it!

*Please leave CANDY at home.

A note about electronics ... 
-       Cell phones/ipods may come on this trip
-       Leave your laptops/ipads at home
-       We ask that the athletes keep electronic use to a minimum. Using them from time to time should not be a problem, but it will be in the purview of chaperones to assign rest time to the gadgets.

Pineland Passes

Happy snow!  Pineland passes for everyone on the team were received late last week and will be given to skiers when we return to school.  Anyone skiing at Pineland before then (and you should get out on this beautiful new snow!) should just go ahead and ski.  If any Pineland folks ask skiers about their pass, you can explain that you have a Maine Coast team pass and will get the card itself next week.  They should be able to look you up if they really need to.

Monday, December 18, 2017

Race suits

Race suits were given to skiers today.

IMPORTANT information re: race suits:
  • These suits cost over $150 each, so take good care of yours (see below for care instructions).
  • The suits are to be worn for races only, not as an under layer to keep warm or as a practice suit at any time.
  • Race suits must be returned at the end of race season.
  • If you lose or damage your suit, you are responsible for the cost of replacing it.
Care Instructions:
  • Don't pack in your bag up against any velcro
  • Wash in cold water
  • HANG dry - don't put in the dryer
  • NEVER wash with anything velcro

Friday, December 15, 2017

Practice end time

Now that the ski team is going to and from Pineland for practice, they are not arriving back to Desert Rd until 5:00 or slightly later, so parents picking up at Desert Rd after practice need not arrive until 5:00.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Pineland transportation info

Whenever we practice at Pineland, we will transport skiers there in vans and will return skiers back to Desert Rd after practice.  Skiers and parents - anytime a skier will be picked up at Pineland, either the skier or parents should tell Susan by 12:00 of the practice day. 

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Things to do

Pineland Pass forms were given to all skiers this past Friday and need to be returned to Susan by this coming Wednesday, December 6.  If you will be getting a family pass to Pineland on your own, be sure to tell Susan.

Also by Wednesday, anyone wishing to purchase a team jacket must tell Susan and provide their size.  We will need to place the order this week.