Ski Camp:We are still pulling things together, but are thinking that we will have ski camp during the December vacation, possibly beginning on Friday, December 27 and lasting probably 3 days/2 nights. though depending on group interest, it could be 4 days/3 nights. It will not begin any earlier than the 27th, but could get pushed a day or two later. Finally, and VERY IMPORTANTLY, we will need a parent (or two) to "host" camp, going with the team, handling food, etc., so parents, please consider if this could be you. It is really fun to spend time with a great group of kids and ski camp can't happen without a parent helper, so please let Susan know if you can help out.
Upcoming Ski Swaps:
Anyone needing new equipment should consider one (or more) of the upcoming ski swaps. In the next few weeks, ski swaps can be found at:
Camden Hills Ski Sale - Saturday, November 23
2019 Yarmouth Ski Swap - Saturday, November 23
2019 Falmouth Ski Swap - Sunday, November 24
L.L.Bean Nordic Team Info Night:
Great news! No waiting for orders to arrive this year! We have already received gear to sell on sight at this event. We are hoping that a majority of the kids will be able to purchase and walk away with their ski sets the same day.
Coaches, Teams and Parents Invited
Thursday, November 21th, 4:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
L.L. Bean Bike, Boat and Ski Store
57 Main Street, Freeport
Information – 207-552-7670