Here are a few quick details:
1. Only 6 skiers per gender can ski in each of the two races. We have 7 skiers on the boys team and 7 on the girls team. We'd like everyone to come to the meet, whether or not they anticipate racing. Having the whole team present would really be the best. Having an alternate in case of injury or illness is important, and it just wouldn't be the same without everyone. (Last year our boys alternate took photos and video, cheered, helped the coach, and generally had a great time.) The house we've reserved will hold all 7 boys and all 7 girls on our team. Please let John and Jennifer know ASAP if you will not be able to attend the meet. John will speak to the team about how he will choose the skiers for each race.
2. The house is called the Maine Farm House. Check this website for pictures:
3. We will leave on Sunday, probably mid-morning, and will most likely return on Wednesday (time unknown). The races will be over by Tuesday afternoon, but we are unsure of when the awards will be. They may be later on Tuesday or on Wednesday afternoon. It will be fun to relax and celebrate on Tuesday night. However, if you can't stay for Tuesday night, you are free to go home. (The cost for the trip will be the same whether or not you stay for Tuesday night.)
4. We'll be doing meals the same way we did at Christmas Camp. Sign ups will be on the blog after the WMC races.
5. Jennifer, Jason, Carol, and hopefully Susan, will be chaperoning. However, the races are only about an hour and half away, at Black Mountain in Rumford. It would be great to see as many of you as can come!
Any questions about the skiing or choice of skiers for the states races - ask John.
Any questions about the trip - ask Jennifer.
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