Saturday, February 1, 2014

Races, States and General Info

Hard to believe that the school ski season ends in just a few weeks.  See below for general information about these upcoming next few weeks.  More details will follow as the dates get closer.

1.  For those that attended Christmas Camp, the business office will be billing $106.

2.  Our next races are Part 1 and Part 2 of the WMC Championships.  Part 1 takes place next Wednesday afternoon (February 5) at 2:00 PM at Libby Hill in Gray and is a skate race.  Part 2 takes place the following Saturday (February 8) at 10:00 AM at Stark's Hill in Fryeburg.  This Saturday race is a classic race.  We will be leaving Desert Rd early in the morning, most likely by 6:30 AM and will return around 3:30 - 4:00 PM.

3.  In anticipation of this Saturday's (February 8) classic race at Fryeburg, everyone should be sure to have cleaned their classic skis since the Sassi race at Black Mt.  Also know classic skis may need to be waxed by Thursday night so everyone's skis will be ready in case John wants to put on a binder for the Saturday race.  More wax info this week ...

4.  Our final races of the season are the Class C States races at Black Mountain in Rumford.  Races take place on Wednesday, February 19 (classic race) and on Thursday, February 20 (skate race).  We expect to leave on Tuesday morning, February 18 (time TBD) and return home around dinnertime on Thursday, February 20.  Note this return date is a change from our original plans.  We are renting a house in the Bryant Pond area, one that is large enough such that all kids on the team can attend, whether or not they will ski in a States race.  In the next week John will be figuring out who will be skiing in what races and will share that information once determined.  Those not scheduled to race are still alternates, and may end up racing if necessary.

5.  Please put Tuesday, March 4 at 7:00 PM on your calendars for an an end-of-season ski team gathering.

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