Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Ski Camp 2016/17 Info

Lodging: Two condos at Rock Pond (#34) at Saddleback Mountain in Rangeley
The adults on this trip will be John Tarling, Sam Kapala, Sarah Pierce, Dan Pierce, Gina Quinn-Skillings and Jim Skillings.
Contact information:  There is no landline at the condo and cell phone reception is not very reliable.  We can, however, receive emails/texts so this is the best way if communication is necessary during camp.  Sarah 776-4959, Dan 776-0503, Gina 210-0864, John T. 807-1919.
We will assess the cost per family after camp once all expenses are known.  Families will be billed
at that time.  Costs will include food, lodging, trail passes and gas.

All skiers should prepare their skis prior to camp.

Classic skis:
Clean kick zone
Sand kick zone lightly with a 100g sand paper or scotchbrite
Wax tips and tails with green or green&blue glide wax
Skate skis
Clean and wax with same green or green&blue glide wax

Having skis ready will save time.  We will add kick wax in Rangeley before skiing.  Skiers should take responsibility for their skis, so everyone should bring a cold hard kick wax and glide wax along with scraper and cork.

Please bring only two pairs of skis.  There shouldn't be a need for more.

Feeding the Team:
A link to a spreadsheet with food info and shopping/baking help was sent out last week.  Thank you to those that signed up to shop and/or bake.  Please remember to bring along whatever you signed up for.

Travel details:
The group will be taking two school vans up to Rangeley.  Departure time 10:00 am, but check the blog before you head out, in case the roads are extremely bad and we decide to delay.

We will first head to the condo and have lunch prior to heading out to ski, but it would be good for everyone to either wear their ski gear or to keep it very handy so it will be easily accessed when it's time to ski.

Return travel info:
We will ski on Monday morning and probably head out right after lunch, unless the skiing is so amazing that the group will work in an afternoon ski as well.  We should know by Sunday evening what the plans are for the return on Monday.  Either way, the kids will be home by dinnertime on Monday and could be home as early as 3:00.  Please check the blog on Sunday evening.

Packing List:


Must have:
• Your own SNACK for the van ride
• Your own LUNCH for the first day
• Sleeping bag + pillow (not everyone will need a pillow, but we'll need a few).
• Towel
• Snacks for the 4 days (to be stashed in your water bottle belt). Bars are ideal.
• Workout clothes for 4 days for skiing AND running
• Outer layers (warm jacket, wind layer, etc.)
• Multiple pairs of socks
• Hats, gloves, etc. - you will need WARM gloves
• Neck warmer
• Plan on layers!
• Warm snow boots
• Apres-ski clothes for evenings + indoor shoes or slippers if you want something on your feet inside
• Pajamas
• Toiletries
• Headlamp
• Sunglasses
• Classic AND skate skis, poles, boots - packed as compactly as possible.
• Water-bottle holder with a water bottle - ideally the kind that you can wear around your waist that also has a pocket for a snack
• Basic wax equip
     o   Scraper
     o   Cork
     o   Small amounts of cold, hard kick wax and glide wax

• Books, games, etc. - If you have a good group game, please bring it!
• A movie for the group - G, PG or PG-13 (no R movies)

*Please leave CANDY at home.

A note about electronics ... 
-       Cell phones/ipods may come on this trip
-       Laptops should remain at home
-       Chaperones will be mindful of any cell phones or ipods getting overused, in which case they will be asked to rest as deemed necessary.


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