Sunday, January 29, 2017

Wednesday race in Fryeburg

We plan on driving away from the high school for Fryeburg AT 12:15 on Wednesday, which means all skiers will need to eat lunch in the vans.  They can either bring lunch or buy lunch at the Market at break.

Return from Fryeburg:
It's always difficult to pinpoint the exact time we will depart from a race, but our best guess is that we will return to Desert Rd from Fryeburg around 6:15-6:30.  Kids can call from the road once we're underway.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Ski prep for Wednesday's classic race

Skiers that raced in the Sassi race should leave their race skis as is until further notice - don't clean them yet.  Depending on conditions, it may end up that you don't need to rewax for this Wednesday's race.  More info will be posted as we have it.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Sassi Race Info

The Sassi race is this Saturday, January 28.  Here's what's what ...

  • Vans will be leaving Desert Rd at 7:15 AM, so skiers should arrive by 7:05.  Anyone wanting a ride on a van MUST let Susan know by noon on Friday.  If you don't request a ride on the van, don't count on a seat on the van.
  • The vans will return to Desert Rd after the race, probably arriving around 5:00-5:30ish.  Kids can call from the van.
  • Van riders should bring just the skis they will use today, as space for skis may be tight.
This is CLASSIC race.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Today's race IS ON

We ARE racing at Libby Hill in Gray today!  Boys start at 3:30, girls to follow.

Directions to the Trail Head (50 Libby Hill Road, Gray, Maine)
Libby Hill Trails start behind the Gray New Gloucester Middle School. The Middle School is located on Libby Hill Road. To find the school, proceed to Gray Maine (Exit 63 Maine Turnpike). In the center of town take Route 26 north for approximately 1.4 miles or alternatively take the new bypass

Sassi Race - Saturday, January 28

The Sassi race is this coming Saturday, January 28.  This is a classic race, very professionally run, and has a lot of skiers from all over the state.  We hope everyone will be able to attend.  In order to get an accurate start list, we need to hear from every skier BY WEDNESDAY (tomorrow) MORNING about their Saturday plans.  Be sure and check in with Susan first thing tomorrow.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

States info

In previous years, the states races (over February vacation) have taken place at far away venues, sometimes even far up north in Fort Kent or Presque Isle.  This year states is taking place at Quarry Road in Waterville, just an hour away from Freeport.  Because it's such an important event and so much fun for the entire team to go away together, we hoped to find a place to settle for a couple days for the states races, ideally close to the venue.  Unfortunately the closest place we could find was still 50 minutes from the race venue, meaning that we would be going through the heroic effort of mobilizing the team, gear, food, etc. and wouldn't really be saving any travel time.  Therefore the determination has been made to head up to Waterville on race days for day trips only (Thursday and Friday, February 23 and 24).  John shared this information with the team on Friday afternoon.

We still hope to make the days surrounding the states races a festive time and ask for skiers/families help with arranging team dinners, ski movies, sleepovers, etc. - whatever seems inclusive and fun.  We will talk more about this over the coming weeks, but wanted to get the word out now that states will be day trips to the races plus evening activities close to home.

Monday, January 16, 2017

UPDATE - Maranacook Waves

~ Updated Friday, January 20 ~

We are sending a crew to the Maranacook Waves this Saturday.  Preliminary info is:

Date: Saturday, January 21, 2017


Friday, January 13, 2017

Info on MLK day race at Stark's Hill in Fryeburg

Hi all,

We have races coming up on Monday, January 16 at Stark's Hill in Fryeburg.  Here's what there is to know:

  • Vans will be leaving Desert Rd at 8:15 AM.  Anyone wanting a ride on a van MUST contact Susan by Sunday morning at 9:00 AM.  If you don't request a ride on the van, don't count on a seat on the van.
  • The vans will return to Desert Rd after the race, probably arriving around 3:30-4:00ish.  Kids

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Help needed at Wednesday's race

Parents - Since we are again co-hosting Wednesday's race, we will need a number of parent helpers.  Please let me know if that will be you!

Monday, January 9, 2017

This week's race

The race this Wednesday has been changed to SKATE.

It will be the same course as last week (River Loop) with a mass start in the same location as last week (in the stadium across from the Outdoor Center).

Stay tuned for wax info and any additional changes necessitated by weather.

No Hornet Classic on Saturday

This coming weekend, we have a WMC race on Monday.  Because that seems like enough, we have decided to NOT go to the Hornet Classic on Saturday.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

This week's info ...

A couple things to know about this week.

1.  It is quite possible that due to weather and snow conditions, this week's Wednesday race may change to SKATE.  Check back here in the next couple days for a final determination.

2.  Next Saturday, January 14, there are a couple nordic races - the Hornet Classic in Turner and an Eastern Cup race at Quarry Road in Waterville.  None of these races are mandatory for our team.  Anyone participating in the Eastern Cup is doing so on their own, and we are determining if there is enough interest in our team members to take a group to the Hornet Classic.  Everyone should come to practice on Monday (tomorrow) prepared to tell John if they will ski in the Hornet Classic (and yes, this is a classic race) on Saturday if we do, in fact, decide to go.  If for some reason you won't be at practice, be sure to tell Susan your Saturday plans before you leave for the day on Monday.

Friday, January 6, 2017

Telstar Relays Info

Wax info is posted on the Wax Info tab.

Telstar Regional High School
284 Walkers Mill Rd (this is Route 26)


Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Telstar Relays - Saturday, January 7

Telstar Relays are this Saturday at Telstar Regional High School in Bethel.  Race times are:
11:00 - Wave A
12:00 - Wave B
1:00 - Individuals

We need to hear from everyone on the team in the next couple days about three things regarding this race:

By Thursday (tomorrow) morning:

Race IS on

Today's race IS ON.  Boys set off at 3:30, girls at 3:40.  Race start/finish is at the stadium area across from the Outdoor Center and The Market.  Because the snow is so soft, spectators are asked to stay off the snow unless they are on skis or snowshoes.  We think there will be a small spectating area for foot traffic by the start/finish area, otherwise please stay off the trails if you are not on skis or snowshoes.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Wednesday's race

Wax info for tomorrow's race is now posted on the Wax Info tab.

We are planning for a mass start skate race on the River Loop at Pineland, to begin and end in the stadium area across from the Outdoor Center.  Boys start at 3:30 with girls to follow.

Be sure to keep checking the blog for any updated info about this race, as tonight's expected rain may require some adjustments to the plan.

Monday, January 2, 2017

Looking ahead to this week

This coming Wednesday, January 4, we have a race scheduled at Pineland.  Exact details of race location will be determined on Tuesday, but a few things to know for now are:

  • We are co-hosting this race with Freeport.  That means we need 3-4 parents to help out at the race.  Jobs will be taking bibs, helping the timer, etc.  Please let Susan know if you can be counted on to help at the race.  You will need to be there by 3:15.
  • After local races (such as this week's race on Wednesday), we do NOT provide rides back to Desert Rd after the race.  Parents will hopefully be coming to the race and get their skier after the race or make other arrangements for transportation home.  If you are in a real pinch, let Susan know by Wednesday morning if you need help.
  • Saturday we will be heading to Bethel for the Telstar Relays, a fun race where most skiers are on a relay team of two boys and two girls, and some skiers will be in an individual race.  Since this is not a WMC race, it is not mandatory, but we do hope most of our skiers will attend.  If you (your skier) will not be attending this race, let Susan know asap, so we won't place you on a relay team.
  • A reminder that when we do have weekend races to farther away venues (like this Saturday in Bethel), skiers MUST tell Susan if they need a ride on the van.  Do not count on a ride if you haven't confirmed it.
Look for more specific race info tomorrow and hoping we see lots of parents at the race!

UPDATED - Return from ski camp

Skiers left Rangeley at 2:00, which means they should arrive at Desert Rd 4:15-4:30.