In previous years, the states races (over February vacation) have taken place at far away venues, sometimes even far up north in Fort Kent or Presque Isle. This year states is taking place at Quarry Road in Waterville, just an hour away from Freeport. Because it's such an important event and so much fun for the entire team to go away together, we hoped to find a place to settle for a couple days for the states races, ideally close to the venue. Unfortunately the closest place we could find was still 50 minutes from the race venue, meaning that we would be going through the heroic effort of mobilizing the team, gear, food, etc. and wouldn't really be saving any travel time. Therefore the determination has been made to head up to Waterville on race days for day trips only (Thursday and Friday, February 23 and 24). John shared this information with the team on Friday afternoon.
We still hope to make the days surrounding the states races a festive time and ask for skiers/families help with arranging team dinners, ski movies, sleepovers, etc. - whatever seems inclusive and fun. We will talk more about this over the coming weeks, but wanted to get the word out now that states will be day trips to the races plus evening activities close to home.
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