Thursday, February 10, 2022

What's next

Great job at yesterday's WMCC classic race, everyone! Next up is Part 2 of the Western Maine Conference Championship, a skate pursuit race this Saturday. For those of you that don't know, a pursuit is where everyone's start time is based on their exact finish time of the previous race, so essentially a continuation of that previous race with two days in between. Specifically, the skier that finished first in Wednesday's race will be the first skier on Saturday. The second skier (who finished 30 seconds behind #1) will start 30 seconds later. Emma (who finished 10 seconds after #2) will start 10 seconds later, and so on. Every skier will be responsible for starting themself. Skiers will have their start time written on their skis and there will be a big clock at the start, so it won't be difficult.

Race info:
Girls start - 11:00
Boys start - 11:45
Awards ceremony will follow after the boys race

Race location:
Stark's Hill in Fryeburg
Map/directions found HERE
Parking info found HERE

We will have a van departing from MCWS high school at 8:20am and are expecting the skiers below on the van. If your name is on here and you don't need a ride -or- your name isn't on here and you do need a ride, let Susan know asap.


Skiers providing their own transportation should arrive at Stark's no later than 10:00.

Reminder about Stark's Hill:
There are no indoor facilities, so be sure to bring warm clothes, food, water, etc.
There are porta-potties.

Looking farther ahead ...
We have a regular weekly race next Wednesday, February 16 (this was added to the schedule after some of the early races were cancelled), followed by States on Wednesday, February 23 and Thursday, February 24 at Black Mt in Rumford. These States races will be two full day trips. More info to follow soon about exact race times, etc., and want to be sure everyone has these days blocked out on their calendar.

Good luck to all and have fun!!

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