Thursday, February 11, 2016

States Info

Class C States - Here We Come!!! - updated 2/15/16

Note new race times (below) on Thursday, February 18!

Now that WMCs are behind us, we can look ahead to States, which this year will be held at Black Mountain in Rumford.  Here's what there is to know ...

Travel Plans:
The team will depart from Desert Rd on Wednesday at 12:30.  We will travel to Black Mountain to ski and then head from there to our new home.  We will travel to/from Black Mountain Thursday and Friday for our races.  We hope to have everything at our house packed up on Friday morning when we head back to Black Mountain for the skate races, in which case we will travel back to Freeport directly from Rumford, however it's possible that we may need to swing back to the house in Bryant Pond on the way home if we don't get everything ship-shape early Friday morning.

We are taking two vans and one car on this trip and are expecting that all skiers will ride with the team unless they let Susan know ahead of time.  Anyone not riding with the team must let Susan know by Tuesday at 5:00 pm.  So far we know that Fiona A., Louise, and Wilson will be getting their own rides.

Skiers making their own way to Black Mountain on Wednesday should plan to be there at 2:30 pm.

Skiers that will be arriving later than 2:30 at Black Mountain should contact Susan to make arrangements for where and when we will meet up.

In general:
Leaving – Arrive at Desert Rd by 12:30 on Wednesday, February 17.

Returning – Awards will happen after the boys race on Friday, maybe around 12:00?  We will depart after awards, arriving back to Desert Rd 2:30-3:00ish, unless we need to swing by the Bryant Pond house.  Kids can call home from the road when we know our arrival time more exactly.

We will be spending Wednesday and Thursday night at a rental house in Bryant Pond (1/2 hour from Black Mountain).  Most kids will be in a bed (some twins, some shared doubles), though there may be a few on the floor.  Everyone should bring a sleeping bag and a few should bring pads for the floor.  Kids skiing in the races will have priority on the beds.  If you don’t like the idea of sharing a bed, make sure to bring a pad, along with your sleeping bag, to use on the floor.

Who Skis in States and Who Goes to States?
For States, we are only permitted six skiers in each race.  Like all teams in the state, that means not every skier on our team will get to race.  That said, every MCWS skier is included on the trip and we hope all can come.  However if you are not racing and wish to make alternate plans for vacation week, please talk to Susan.

Check the Wax Info tab.

Thursday, February 18 - NOTE NEW RACE TIMES (updated on 2/15)
2:00 pm               Girls’ Nordic Classical (individual 15-second interval start)
3:30 pm               Boys’ Nordic Classical (individual 15-second interval start)

Friday, February 19
10:00 am             Girls’ Nordic Freestyle (individual 15-second interval start)
11:00 am             Boys’ Nordic Freestyle (individual 15-second interval start)
Awards to follow

Food is being handled by the chaperones, but it would be great if 3-4 families would send along a batch (40+) of NUT-FREE cookies or bars for desserts.  If you are sending cookies, please let Sarah Pierce know ahead of time (

Since everyone has their own preference for bars, skiers should bring their own stash of bars, etc. to eat when they want.  It would be good for quantities of candy to stay at home.

Friends and families are most welcome and encouraged to come to the races!  Black Mountain is a very spectator friendly venue and is less than two hours from Freeport, so it is an easy day trip.

What to Bring:
Lunch/snack for Wednesday (or eat lunch before the trip)
Snacks/bars for 3 days
Sleeping bag - everyone!
Sleeping pad (not everyone needs this)
Water bottle
Your food contribution (if you’ve agreed to bring cookies, etc.)
Warm clothing (layers!) - including hat, mittens, race gloves, warm gloves, neck-up/buff, etc.
TEAM HAT (and wear it!)
Ski clothes
House clothes
Extra socks
Warm winter boots
ALL classic AND skate skis/boots/poles - packed as compactly as possible - EVERYONE should bring both skate and classic race skis and gear, even if you don't think you're racing.  It's possible that someone else may get sick/injured and you will need to race, so be sure to come prepared for anything :-)
Water-bottle holder with water bottle
Basic wax equipment
· Scraper
· Cork
· Small amounts of kick wax and glide wax

• Books, games, etc. - If you have a good group game, please bring it!
• Slippers
• A dvd movie for the group - G, PG or PG-13 (no R movies)

A note about electronics ... 
-       Cell phones/ipods may come on this trip
-       Laptops should remain at home
-       As always, chaperones will be mindful of any cell phones or ipods getting overused on this trip and so will carefully wrap any tired cell phones/ipods in a beautiful pink silk and lovingly set them aside for a rest period as necessary.


John Tarling, Scott Libby, Sarah Pierce, Susan Sonntag

As was mentioned in the ski team info letter sent out in November, families will be billed after the trip for the cost of the trip itself (house, food, etc.).  We hope to keep the cost under $200 and it could be less.

Start Lists:
Girls Classical
Boys Classical
Girls Freestyle
Boys Freestyle

Other things to remember:
·  Wax skis
·  Check the packing list one last time!
·  Check the blog one last time, for any new/updated info.
·  Emergency Contact - Susan 776-4659

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