Friday, February 19, 2021

Info about the tomorrow's race at Riverside

The following skiers are racing in tomorrow's (Saturday, February 20) skate race at Riverside Golf Course in Portland.

Boys - Seamus, Conrad, Nate, Will and Noah K
Girls - Emma, Lydia, Sierra, Ruth

Remember that ParentSquare health screenings must be done prior to arrival at the race site.

Boys start at 1:30 (note this updated start time), girls to follow. All skiers should arrive at Riverside at 12:30 (and not any earlier, as there are other races taking place in the morning). Note that the original start time was 1:00, but is now 1:30.

It is hard to pin down an end time, especially since some skiers will participate in Part 2 while others will not, so best would be for kids to call/text parents when they're done (unless the parent is waiting/parked close by, in which case the skier can just go to the car). The earliest any boys might be done is likely not before 2:00, though those participating in Part 2 will obviously be later. The soonest any girls might be done is no earlier than 2:30 and again, those in Part 2 will be later. Since all skiers are already there, everyone is welcome to stay and cheer on the Part 2 skiers even if they are not skiing in that part of the race. We even hesitate to say these times of 2:00 and 2:30, since they are the absolute earliest that a skier might be finished and it could be an hour or more later than that. The best we can say to parents providing transportation is to bring a warm drink, a book, maybe a blanket and prepare to wait.

The most up-to-date information on race format is shown below. We will update this post if we receive new information.

Wax info was posted on the Wax Info tab this morning.


Location: Riverside Golf Course Ski Track – North Course

The race will be on the “North” section of Riverside (closer to I-95). Come to the main parking area with the club house. Look for the Kiosk at the far right-hand side of the parking lot as you face at the course. This is our usual start area.

Parking: Parking will be tight since it is a Saturday afternoon. Please let me know if you'll be bringing a bus so I can reserve areas.


The only bathroom is a porta-potty at the far end of the parking lot opposite the trailhead. The club house is NOT open. Plan accordingly.


Please be aware that Saturdays are very busy at Riverside and there will be a lot of recreational users occupying the spaces as well. Parking may be tight. Team members are asked to be mindful and respectful and stay as close to the edge of the “stadium” area as possible (below the maintenance building). Racers should keep to the designated racecourse for all skiing.


Health screenings must be completed prior to arrival.

Masks are required at all times for skiers and coaches. Please remind your athletes to check that their mask fits well and works for them while skiing. Masks need to cover both the nose and mouth.

No spectators allowed.

Also please remind athletes to stay spaced apart and not gather. Please maintain physical distance guidelines at all times.


Course will be open to ski warm up and cool down while races are going on. PLEASE SKI ONLY IN THE DIRECTION OF TRAVEL. And remind skiers to not ski too closely to a racer and to move off the trail when racers are coming. See race format below for more details about the course.


1)      Primary Plan (3k prologue followed by XCX sprints)

1:30 – Prologue

Boys’ 3k Skate Prologue – 2 laps around 1.5k loop

Girls to follow


2:30 – Heats begin (approximately 1k loop with XCX terrain features)

24 total racers max each gender.

Racers will keep their same bibs.

Boys’ and girls’ heats will alternate as follows:


Preliminary Heat – 24 races – 6 waves of 4 – top 2 from each heat move forward.

Quarterfinals – 3 waves of 4 – top 2 from each heat move forward plus 2 “lucky losers”.

Semifinals – 2 waves of 4 – top 2 from each heat move forward to finals (no “lucky losers”).

FINALS – top 4 for the cup!


2)      Alternative Plan A

Same format as above for a 1K sprint race without XCX features.

3)      Alternative Plan B

1:30 – Boys’ 4.5k race (3 times around loop).

2:15 – Girls 4.5k race (3 times around loop).

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